Thanks to Dave Sumner for very good review in his article "Recommended: Adriano Clemente – “The Mingus Suite” :
The Mingus Suite is a little bit tribute to jazz legendCharles Mingus, a little bit extrapolation of the life and perspective of composer Adriano Clementeand a whole lot of the creative spirit of both musicians. Rooted in the blues yet full of avant-garde swagger, this large ensemble work featuring the Akashmani Ensemble is true to the music and musician that inspired this project while still sounding very much rooted in the present day. There’s some old-school swing with “Blues in Rags” and there’s some old-school experimentalism with “Inner Fires” and the way it keeps surging forward then suddenly receding into a contented peace. There’s the lovely reveries like “Memories of Duke” and “For My Father” and the way they walk the dividing line between serene and funereal, and counterbalanced by the energetic chatter of the two-part “Urban Jungle” keeping things from ever getting drowsy. And then there’s the song “Circus,” which hints at a whimsical nature, but the gorgeous harmonic development of woodwinds, bowed bass and piano envelops the affair with its serious beauty.
Mingus fans can’t go wrong with this one. And, really, music this good, nobody should be unhappy loading this one up into their library.